Articles on: Gateway

Use our services with OpenClash

We have written this tutorial for use on the router, but we do not provide technical support for the router.
If there is a connection problem, please test our service on a common platform, such as a computer, to see if it works, and then contact us afterwards.
Our English customer service may not always available during working hours, waiting for reply may be longer than expected.

Install OpenClash

In most cases, third-party compiled firmware already comes with OpenClash.
If there is not installed, you can install it yourself by refer to the GitHub Releases page of OpenClash. (No helps)

Configure OpenClash

If you are using OpenClash for the first time, you need to manually select the kernel build version. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
On the OpenClash page, go to "Global Settings" and click on "General Settings".
Select the Clash version that corresponds to your CPU from the "Chose to Download" list.
Click on "Apply Configurations" at the bottom of the page.

Go to "Version Update" and click on "Check and Update" of the Dev kernel.

Simply download the Dev version of the Clash kernel to use the basic Clash features.
If you cannot download the Clash kernel, please go to the GitHub Releases page of OpenClash to download the Clash version for your CPU, and upload it to the specified location via FTP or other tools for manual import.

Add Clash config subscription

Go to our website

In the "用户中心 (User Center)" page, under "便捷导入 (Convenient import)".
Click "复制 Clash 订阅 (Copy Clash Subscription)" in "Clash 订阅" button.

Back to OpenClash page

Go to the "Config Update" page.
Click the "Add" button, then paste the link into the "Subscribe Address"; "Config Alias" can fill in by yourself.
Click the "Commit Configurations" button.

Enable Auto Update, OpenClash can automatically update the config at regular intervals.

Click to enable "Auto Update".
Set the update mode to "Appointment Mode" and the recommended update time is 4:00 every day.
Click on "Apply Configurations" and OpenClash will start to download the config file from the link.

Select the node

After the config file is downloaded successfully, OpenClash will run automatically.

On the "Overview" page, click "Open Panel".

Click on "Proxies" on the left side of the page and select the node you want to use in the "🍃 Proxies" policy group.

Updated on: 02/08/2021

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